Laughter and Reflexology for Your Heart

<imgsrc="heartfootprints.jpg"alt="heartfootprints"/>Footsteps in Eden Reflexology’s previous post led you on a journey to discover more about the benefits of laughter: increased immunity, relaxation, focus redirected from the negative. When who followed that link you learned, also, about relaxation to the shoulders, the diaphragm and more just from laughing. Have you ever wondered what laughter and reflexology have in common? You’ll be amazed to know, it’s really quite a lot.

The American Heart Association’s website features the article, Humor Helps Your Heart? We quote it for you here:

Additional University of Maryland research examined circulation in the blood vessels in two groups of subjects who watched different types of movies. One group watched stressful segments of the war movie “Saving Private Ryan,” while the others watched parts of a funny movie, “Something About Mary.”

Among those viewing “Saving Private Ryan,” blood vessel lining constricted and circulation decreased. For those watching the more upbeat movie, vessel lining dilated and circulation increased.

A famous anecdotal story about the power of humor came from Norman Cousins, a journalist and author who wrote the book “Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient,” Dr. Jacobs said. Cousins concluded that, after he contracted a serious illness in the 1960s, watching funny movies helped improve his condition.

Perhaps laughter should be prescribed as a part of the way to prevent heart disease, Dr. Steinbaum said.”

Let’s connect this to reflexology. One of Reflexology’s main benefits, just like laughter, is it’s helpfulness to improve circulation.

Another quote comes from

To relax and invigorate your heart muscle, reflexologists suggest that you focus on the heart, colon and pituitary gland reflexes on your feet.

Try working these reflexes on your hands or feet: solar plexus; diaphragm and chest; lung, heart and shoulder; arm; neck; thoracic and cervical spine; intestine, with emphasis on sigmoid colon; and adrenal gland.

Ponder that. Those same reflexes suggested here to help improve heart health refer to the very parts of the body where laughter’s benefits are experienced. What’s more, we’re including links from The Three Tomatoes and HolisticOnline with instructions for you to experience some self-reflexology for your own heart.

Of course, you may also call us to schedule an appointment!

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