Man Holding Word

Footsteps In Eden Loyalty Program Update

As our way of saying thank you to our loyal clients, May 1, 2012, Footsteps in Eden began a Loyalty Program. We do appreciate our clients very much, and will continue this program. This post is just a reminder about the Loyalty Program with updates as  it will look beginning July 1, 2014. When you […]

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Reflexology: Natural Help for PTSD

 Reflexologists and other therapists are encouraged to find their “niche” within their modality. My mantra on that has been to ask God to bring those individuals He chooses no matter their specific challenges. Over the years that has created quite a varied bouquet of different needs. One of those is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). […]

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Orange Plantation

Oranges, Seen through a Different Lens

Connie Scheel has so much to share today about Orange essential oil. I can’t wait for you to read all about it. Except to say that you can follow Connie on her Facebook page: Catalysts to Connie’s Wellness and you’ll find Young Living Essential Oils and diffusers available at her Young Living World website, I’m […]

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Homemade Fresh Fish Tacos

Happy Healthy Mexican Recipes

My first introduction (and love-at-first-bite) to fish tacos was Taco Boy in Folly Beach, SC, a few years ago. These tacos and several versions of homemade salsas and chips were a little taste of heaven. They were made to look like fishies on the plate — PERFECTION. That moment has set a standard that’s been […]

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Reflexology and Fun in Santa Fe!

With several outstanding presenters sharing about many aspects of reflexology, my mind has been exploding all week. What stands out most to me is some very cool information about the brain and accessing those reflexes to encourage healing. Leaders of another workshop provided new (to me) “tools” for diminishing stress, a huge factor in today’s […]

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Oh… The Feet of Moms and Babies

Contemplating Mother’s Day, just days away. As I write this post I’m on an airplane traveling to Santa Fe for the Reflexology Association of America conference. How do I join a post for Mom’s big day and reflexology? Why maternity reflexology, of course. Yes, reflexology is as awesome for the expectant mom as it is […]

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Cat And Dog

Detoxing for Your Pets

We’ve focused on detoxing ourselves and our homes in the last couple of weeks with a promise of information on detoxing for your pets yet to come. Well, the day has come to share about that, and my only pets are a few tropical fish. That makes this post a bit challenging for me. Most […]

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