Reflexology and Care for Summertime Feet

imageThis post is updated from a very old one I had shared. Writing the original, I stumbled across a comment on another great blog out there: “Every barefoot adventure should come with a reflexologist included.” I couldn’t agree more!

Thankfully, after a slow cold start to Spring in Memphis, the days have finally warmed up. Sandal and barefoot weather are here. I believe most of us are jumping into our summertime adventures. How exciting, and what fun! This often includes summer footwear or no footwear.

We are so aware of the outcome of running barefoot and wearing sandals all summer. The elements we encounter do tend to do some damage — blisters, callouses, dry rough skin, and sometimes injuries…. PLUS flip-flops are a big player contributing to plantar fasciitis pain. How do we take care of our feet in the summer  to keep them looking pretty and serving us well?

Here are a few of my thoughts:

Foot balms are wonderful and you may find those with peppermint to be especially cooling as well. You might choose to add some peppermint essential oil to your favorite lotion. I, personally, consider Young Living Essential Oils to be some of the best on the plate in their purity and effectiveness. You may learn more about them here.

I love a great pedicure complete with a splash of summertime color! I schedule these quite regularly, especially in Summer. They help me keep the chronic callouses and dry skin to a minimum.

And, of course, I highly encourage reflexology to keep every part and system of your body encouraged to be at its very best, helping you to fully enjoy your summertime adventures. Clients of reflexology have found it helpful for all* of the challenges mentioned. Reflexology may also aid in prevention. No wonder the writer quoted above believes every barefoot adventure should come with a reflexologist! (Click on the tabs above to journey around our website. Learn more of what reflexology may do for you!)

For a more comprehensive list of ideas for caring for your feet in the summertime, this link has some great suggestions. Please note, foot massage is on their list. Reflexology anyone? Call today (901)674-3934 to make your summer appointments.

*Should you have the misfortune of stepping on a rusty nail or something like that, please make sure your tetanus shot is up to date first. Also Note: Reflexologists are not medical doctors and do not treat or prescribe for any medical condition. Please see your medical professional.

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