Footsteps in Eden Offers Reflexology Enhanced Yoga Workshop

yogareflexworkshopWould you love to learn some potentially great self-help reflexology along with how it may also enhance your yoga practice? Footsteps In Eden Reflexology is offering a workshop with that theme this coming Saturday, October 4, 2014. The workshop will be lead by Lynn Watson, Reflexologist, and Lindsey Massey, Yoga Instructor in Training. Keep reading to learn more and find the details. The event is limited to 10. Register today to ensure there is a spot for you.

Reflexology Enhanced Yoga Workshop
Saturday, October 4, 2014
2:30 PM
Bartlett Recreation Center
7700 Flaherty Place
Bartlett, TN
Investment: $12/ person (must be registered and paid in advance of workshop)
Register: sure to complete registration form AND make your PayPal payment.

People practice yoga for a variety of health benefits: flexibility, strength, posture, calming, focused breathing, heart benefits. Feet are significant to that practice, and the fact is your feet are a reflection of the state of your body. Most people, however, treat their feet rather poorly.

Reflexology, bodywork focused mainly on the feet, helps to improve the body’s flexibility, immune function, stress levels, and more. It makes sense then that incorporating some self-care reflexology into your yoga practice would increase the benefits realized. Think how flexible a little baby is, even “kissing” their feet. Guido Tuveri, in his book “Reflexolo Yogi” co-authored with Wendy Coad, suggests we “…cultivate a new relationship with our bodies – one that is gentle and harmonious… begin by reclaiming the ownership of our feet.”

Yoga by itself or enhanced by reflexology offers cumulative benefits over time. There’s no competition, but a great interconnectedness —  the more flexible you become, the easier it is to reach the feet, and the easier your body moves.

NOTE: This is for informational purposes only. No diagnosis, treatment, prescription for any health condition is intended or implied. Please consult your medical professional.

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