We’ve focused on detoxing ourselves and our homes in the last couple of weeks with a promise of information on detoxing for your pets yet to come. Well, the day has come to share about that, and my only pets are a few tropical fish. That makes this post a bit challenging for me. Most of you really love your four legged friends and love cute pics of them, too. So we’ve found a photo of some uber-cute and furry friends to include in the post. We can just hearing you saying, “Awwwww, they are so adorable!”
With the many possibilities from the food they eat to the environment where they reside and romp and play, pets may be as affected by toxic overloads as their owners. What is shared below are three links to what seemed very informative and helpful information on providing care for your pets to prevent possible toxic situations, and also tips on detoxing through diet or cleanse just as we do for ourselves.
Detox Pet’s Place
Detoxification for Dogs and Cats
Doggie Detox Diet
This post wouldn’t be complete without a word about reflexology. Yes, you can do reflexology on pets. (NOTE: Lynn only works on humans.) But here is a website with some wonderful information on how you might incorporate some reflexology/paw massage into your pet’s life. The website Wellbeing.com.au contains a four segment section on Reflexology for Pets. In humans reflexology may help to detox the body. Benefits for your pets may be quite similar. Please take precautions to ensure that your pet is a willing participant to avoid injury to either of you in the process.
As always, Footsteps In Eden does not provide medical advise, diagnosis, treatments, or medications or advice about such even for animals. Please check out your concerns with your veterinarian.