Woman under stress

Tipping Point of Stress Away Essential Oil

Stress! Are you at the “tipping point?” Many people first visit Footsteps in Eden Reflexology for help getting that load off their back. Reflexology has a great reputation for lowering stress. Connie Scheel shares how essential oils — Young Living’s Stress Away in particular — may also be helpful in recognizing and reducing your stress. […]

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Beautiful Woman Drinking And Reading On Park Bench

Spend Moments in Nature – Lift Your Mood

To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.” –Jane Austen Continuing our mission of bringing you ideas for those little moments that offer opportunity for relaxation and renewal, this week Footsteps in Eden Reflexology invites you to step out in nature and breathe in her […]

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Drawing floral abstract background

Zentangle® Your Stress Away

Stress reduction is at the top of our list at Footsteps in Eden Reflexology. Our thoughts are with all you Memphis area parents, as your children head back to school today. While your children may be feeling some stress and anxiety; getting them prepared for today is often quite stressful for you, too. So, what […]

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summer holidays, celebration, children and people concept - happ

Reflexology for Sciatic Nerve Pain – Part 2

WOO-HOO!!! We’ve made an awesome discovery at Footsteps In Eden Reflexology this week, and it fits perfectly with our discussion of sciatic nerve pain. Let’s get started so we can share the news. During Kim’s reflexology appointment this week, I shared what I had just learned. The reflexology technique we had used to help her […]

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Woman Back Pain

Reflexology for Sciatic Nerve Pain – Part 1

Sciatica is the “Nerve of Reflexology” according to highly respected reflexologists, Dorthe Krogsgaard and Peter Lund Frandsen of Touchpoint. This couple offers reflexology services and education in their homeland of Denmark and travel worldwide to teach their unique style of reflexology. In Denmark everyone knows what reflexology is, and one-fourth of the population has experienced […]

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Memphis: Finding Clean-Sourced Produce and Meats Locally

Eating healthy whole foods  is an integral part of  Health and Wellness plans. Footsteps In Eden Reflexology is all about encouraging you toward greater health and wellness. Finding clean, non-GMO, organic, as close-to-nature-as-God-intended fresh foods is often a challenging task. In conversations about clean eating I’m asked, “How do you find all these places?” It […]

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Celebrate 4th of July with Yummy Delights!

Holidays like the 4th of July are a great time to check out others creativity in the culinary department. I’m always on the hunt for great tasting new recipes. To celebrate the U.S.A.’s Independence Day, I’ve gathered links to some fabulous ideas. I know I’ll try one or two of them myself. Greatest, a very […]

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Spa Setting

Hope in Peace & Calming (Essential Oil)

Today Connie adds essential oils (EOs) to our recent discussion of reflexology for help with PTSD and anxiety. There are many EOs that fit well in this category. Connie has gathered information on several of them for you. She includes a testimonial from an M.D. who has recently discovered the benefits of EOs for her […]

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