What are you doing to keep calm and entertained during the COVID-19 sheltering-in-place. We have a few ideas.
1. Find yoga videos at the links below. I enjoy doing this with a group, but it can be done alone or with your family at home. Yoga helps build immunity, helps the body and mind relax, and helps improve flexibility, too.
Caroline Williams Yoga
Yoga With Adrienne
2. Do you journal? Now is a good time to start. You can look back later at what was the scariest part of our isolation, or what caused you the most anxiety, and see how God worked it all worked out — often times with a silver lining. Include the little things you notice that you may have missed in the hecticness that defined our lives just a week or two ago. Add the little surprise blessings, too. For example, my Christmas cactus decided to bloom again in March.
3. Coloring books and Bible journaling have become wonderful hobbies for some. If you were already doing this, it may have been abandoned. Great time to start again! And so relaxing! Manage stress while you create a masterpiece.
4. And we couldn’t leave this list without a couple reflexology self-help videos.
Stress Relief with Simple Foot Massage
And since it’s allergy season where I live, it probably is where you live, too. Here are some reflexology self-help tips to help with that challenge, too.
Self-Help Reflexology for Seasonal Allergies
5. And while we wait out the social distancing, consider giving a gift certificate for reflexology to a friend, loved one, or yourself. We’ll all need the extra relaxation when we can safely leave our homes again. You’ll find our gift certificates available right here.

Live life – Play – Have fun!

Say it! Tell your family, “I love you!”

Laugh! Laughter is the best medicine!