WOO-HOO!!! We’ve made an awesome discovery at Footsteps In Eden Reflexology this week, and it fits perfectly with our discussion of sciatic nerve pain. Let’s get started so we can share the news. During Kim’s reflexology appointment this week, I shared what I had just learned. The reflexology technique we had used to help her […]
Tag Archives | foot care
Ortho Sport™ — Potentially Warms You Up, Relieves Sore Muscles and More
Recently, staying warm has been a major concern for many of us. Another challenge we all face at one time or another is muscle pain and soreness. January finds more folks increasing physical activity to meet wellness goals. Increased exercise combined with cold have the capacity to increase the challenges. This month our essential oil […]
Fun Foot Facts. . . . and Food for Thought, Too
Feet and food don’t seem to go together well at all, but this post about feet may give you some serious and not-so-serious food for thought and some laughs to boot (pun intended). And, of course, I’ll be looking at a few of these facts from a reflexology “stand” point. (Yep, another pun intended). This […]
Reflexology and Care for Summertime Feet
This post is updated from a very old one I had shared. Writing the original, I stumbled across a comment on another great blog out there: “Every barefoot adventure should come with a reflexologist included.” I couldn’t agree more! Thankfully, after a slow cold start to Spring in Memphis, the days have finally warmed up. […]