Looking for simple things you can do to help others? Here are some ideas. And your children are great helpers, too. When we reach out to others, our own spirits are lifted as well. Discover community through the crisis.
1. Offer to shop for your neighbors or family members who may be unable to get out, or who are in the more at-risk population. Food, medicine, light bulbs, TP (if you can find it), personal hygiene items, etc.
2. Call friends, loved ones, those already shut-in and even more isolated now, elderly, neighbors, whoever comes to your mind that needs an encouraging word. HINT: Most of us do. And a phone call is so much more personal than a text message. Engage!
3. Make donations to the organizations that are working very hard on the frontlines to help. A few we like:
Salvation Army
Samaritan’s Purse
Meals on Wheels
No Kid Hungry
4. Do your part to reduce the demand on the supply chain. Purchase what you need. Please do not hoard!
5. If you have food delivered, give the delivery driver a generous tip. Generously tip those who bring it to your car, too, if you do the carry-out thing.
6. Put a smile on a patient’s face. They are not allowed visitors. So why not make get well cards and mail them to a local hospital for distribution.
7. Bake cookies or cupcakes or even cook dinner, and leave it on a neighbor’s porch. (Let them know so they can retrieve it from the porch.)
Copyright 2020, Lynn U. Watson