Reflexology for Restless Leg Syndrome

canstockphoto5745289Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), and an associated challenge Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD); you may have heard of these. It is estimated that 4-6%* of the population struggle with these sleep challenges, and you may suffer from them as well. Reflexology may be helpful in reducing the frequency and intensity of symptoms.

My own research on the topic indicates RLS may be caused by a mineral deficiency, a Vitamin B deficiency induced neuropathy, or even hormonal imbalances. There are suggestions that RLS has many similarities in nature to ADD and ADHD*. Some believe mineral deficiencies contribute to these, and it has been suggested that plenty of nutrients from fruits and veggies along with mineral supplements may be helpful. (Please discuss supplementational and nutritional changes with your healthcare professional.)

What really jumps out at me here is the Vitamin B deficiency neuropathy. While increasing vitamin B with food and supplements (see above) would seem quite helpful, we also know that reflexology may be a major blessing for the nervous system. Many practitioners believe that reflexology works by directly effecting the enormous numbers of nerve endings found in the feet. Clients in my own practice have reported amazing relief from neuropathy symptoms with consistent regular reflexology. Help with RLS has also been reported. Read on and check out the link.

I would like to share an article on reflexology for RLS & PLMD by fellow reflexologist, Amy Kreydin. Amy has a knack for getting right to the heart of the challenge, presenting the facts, and offering hope through her suggestions about reflexology and other complementary therapies, as well.

*Link to study on percent of population affected here.
*Link to article on connection of ADD, ADHD and RLS here.
Photo from CanStockPhoto